Friday, March 6, 2009

Is she the girl?

Is Helen the woman I am waiting for? I truly enjoyed her company last night over dinner at Fresca. It was one of those occasions that we both hit it off running. We discovered each other's good side as we both are into each other. I never realized that we'd stay there and have food for 3 hours. Such a lone dinner. It totally is a time to linger when one has good company like hers. Hopefully, she'd pick up on something that she'd consider to have me as her man. We'll see in a few days. What we had become. I became a bit cynical after a few date duds and it should not affect any of my future ones. I am a great guy and I know when a connection hits. With Helen I think I did hit a good note with her. Everything will be well. She's sexy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stable Cafe

A very nice mid morning breakfast at Stable Cafe. 

I ordered Pomba, which is Toast with egg in the hole, brie, bacon and cherry tomato. Also a small Granola and Fruits on Yoghurt. It's was really good. Very light and satisfying. I enjoyed it with a double espresso. All of it cost me $12. Just right for a big breakfast budget.

I can duplicate the Pomba at home... it's quite easy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


It's only about noon and I have done a bunch of things. The best thing today was the walk up Bernal Hill at about past eight this morning. I need to change my outdoor time schedule to enjoy the morning sun instead of the afternoon day. I took a lot of pictures.

After that, I went to the Alemany Flea Market and found my wood stool I was wanting to have. It's Mahogany and I still have to shave off an inch or too from the legs to get it to my size. It'll be useful around the house.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The household is in order and clean. I have my two computers fully functioning and running. There are a few more equipment that needed repair and one of them is the manual sewing machine I had since August last year.

I found a repair shop on Mission St. just around the corner of my street. I might take it there on Thursday and see if they can repair it. I'm pretty sure they can. It would be really exciting to have it working like it used to.

Now I have to concentrate on my own work, redeem every single bit of time I can grab to the creation of my work. I have dedicated the Macbook to a certain amount of work I can do online and writing as I do here. I don't want to load too much music in here, just the ones I truly like. Perhaps a good compilation of my favorite music.

I also have to put down a list of promises for myself to accomplish this new year. 43 things can be a good helping tool for that. I have to overhaul that and see the real advantages of that list on the internet. It is powerful and I think it will truly help me a lot.

With regards to finance. I spent too much this first couple of weeks. I needed the equipment though to fulfill what I need to do. I have been denying myself this things for a long time. It's about time that I gather my resources and be productive. I have a software that can track down my expenditures. I have not maximized the capabilities of it yet. I will soon.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Recording Equipment

The recording rig will be arriving soon. I have purchased two microphones (which is hard to describe in detail here), A Tascam portable studio 8 track digital recorder and a closed back studio head phones. I still need to get a boom mic stand and a XLR mic cable.

Now that it's here I can now concentrate in making my second EP. That is not a bad idea - making an EP instead of a full album of songs. I have my iMac configured to do my music production. I can also use this Macbook for off site mixing. I guess it will best of both worlds

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

just jotting

The morning is rushing in. I have bacon on the hot plate getting ready for my morning breakfast. I wonder how my day would come out. I am anxious at some point but totally so. I just recall and feel guilty that I have not done enough about my schedules and projects for each night after work. Although the task that replaced it was quite important as well. 

I am focused on making this iMac of mine to work again. I am considering on buying a new Mac OS X leopard software for it. Do I need it? This tool can be very useful down the road. For now I have this Macbook to work with. But I want to upgrade this as well. I also want to move that iMac to a better place that I can work on comfortably. I have to figure that one out.

I have not started on my latest graphic yet. I already set it up on illustrator and all I have to do is sit my self down and make the vectors. But I have not done anything so far.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recording Equipment

After last December's project of making a music CD. I have the urge to build another one and get my own equipment for it. I have scoured the net for good deals and found a few that may complete my rig.

All I needed was two microphones with a a totally different range of responsiveness. I decided I'd get a Shure instrument microphone that may directly be in front of my guitar on set up. Another would be a larger ambient microphone that may loom over or stand a few feet away. The second microphone will record the refracted sound from the guitar that may create a fuller tone when mixed with the track from the direct mic. The set up might be tricky but it would be interesting to hear the combination.

The recorder I have decided to get is a Marantz CDR301, that records directly into a hard drive and burns into a CD after recording. It's expensive but worth the take. At this rate I can explore my sound and improve the depth of my technique.

I am doing this because it is important to develop my musical side. Recording may help me improve my playing. I have resisted this development for a long time and the result of this denial proved to be fatal. I lost a lot of guitar snippets because I can not write music. This recording equipment will serve me well.

This will be a major purchase and I am not feeling reluctant but more like I wanted to know that I have made the right decision and not waste any resource in purchasing this. I am always into the fact that if proves to be productive then I may go with it, but if it is only for entertainment then it's easy for me disregard.