Thursday, December 4, 2008

Night Ride...

The Happy Cycler (which is me) started riding at night last December 1, 2008. It's now becoming a ritual for me that after work I'd prepare and go for a ride. Around the neighborhood or out into the different districts of the city. I don't have any particular destination. As the rode becomes interesting enough I head on to that direction.

So far, I have seen so many bicycle riders out there on their own particular style of bikes. The Mission and Bernal Heights area are teeming with life. I am happy to see and observe these things as they unfold before me and become a part of my riding experience.

I actually never thought of the idea of writing down my cycling experience for this ritual until now. I currently have stopped drinking coffee and it's almost 2 weeks now since I had my last cup of double espresso. The cycling routine had taken over the coffee caffeine effect. Now instead of crashing after work and instead of a late afternoon coffee drink, I hit the road. My body warms up, my head clears of all tiresome thoughts and ready for better things to do at night. At the end of the night, the glass of wine or any beverage your prefer will be so much enjoyable.

For those of you who love to ride at night, be visible on the rode, obey the road rule and take it slow.

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